Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Beware the Echo Chamber (When votes don't go your way.)

So there are a lot of people who are upset, currently, with the state of politics in the US. (This will be my understatement of the year.) They might even be particularly upset with the result of the votes from yesterdays general election. I have to admit, I didn't like a lot of them either, even though plenty of people saw them coming.

All of us, regardless of political affiliation, will lose these things from time to time. And there are ways of handling it well, and ways of handling it poorly.

For instance, in todays political atmosphere, with blogs and comment boards, it is easy for the defeated party to create an echo chamber where their adherents become increasingly embittered and angry, and that anger is used as a resource to blunt current initiatives and power future elections. It's an incredibly powerful tool... and a highly, highly dangerous one.

We got to see it most clearly with our current Presidential Administration; the echo chambers calling him the worst president ever even before he took office, calls of "socialism" from all sides, so much anger and rabid hate. It was hugely disruptive to his administration, with people looking to tap into the echo chambers blocking him at every turn.

It hurt them, too. Echo chambers are great for pep rallies and groundswell but horrible for reasoned debate or analysis. Obama made quite a few legitimate mistakes over the course of his first term but... so what? It wasn't like the Republicans could oppose those mistakes any louder than they were already opposing everything else he did. And when the Elections came the Echo Chambers were certain of a win, even predicting a landslide... and never saw their sizeable loss coming, and were left staring, shocked, after it happened.

It was actually kinda funny. But it isn't representative of one party, or ideology. The Echo Chamber is a powerful new force in politics and if you find yourself saying; "Well MY party would never do that..." Then you're kidding yourself.

For the next few days or even weeks, it's okay to gripe and be disappointed. But beware of the Echo Chambers, especially if they appeal to you. Remember that, whatever "side" you are one, there are people working in the opposition who are legitimately trying to help the country. And while they are running it, you can do your country a whole lot of good by not being a voice from the Echo Chambers, but a true voice of opposition, who demands debate and compromise over angry yelling.

Be awesome to others, even those who have defeated you, even those you consider opponents. Don't look for the demons the Echo Chambers promise, but instead look for the human being underneath the politician, who is working hard and trying to do their best.

In the end, they may disappoint you. It happens. But at least you will have remained human, rather than letting the powers you align with to turn you into a rabid attack animal for their own expedience.

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