So I've poofed a bit lately. Some has been a bit of business at the start of the school year, but a lot of it has been a new side hobby: making video games.
Well, the hobby isn't precisely NEW. It's something I've been doing for years, off and on, with the help of various programs that take some of the heavy lifting out of video game design. About a year or so ago I purchased a program called Game Maker Studio, a highly recommended platform for such game development, but immediately got intimidated... despite all my dreams, it was clear the platform would not just make the game for me.
Sad day, I know.
So it was just hanging out on my harddrive, not doing much of anything, until about a month ago when I decided that just having it there was ridiculous, and that with all the resources available on the internet, surely I could learn the basic code required to make a game. So I rolled up my sleeves and dove in.
I am, therefore, very happy to announce the creation of Jogger, a 2d side-scroller where you play a female jogger attempting to avoid harassment on the streets, with humor aimed at the whole "look how she was dressed," or "learn to take a compliment" crowd.
So far it is only available for PC (until I spring for the Pro package for Studio) but you can download it here if you are interested.
I hope you enjoy... it was a lot of fun to make it!
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