1- Picture your best friend in the world. Now imagine that they have
really angered you. I mean, made you angry in a way only our very
best friends our capable of. What do you say to that person? If you wouldn't be
uncomfortable saying that to God, there is plenty of room for your faith
life to improve. If you are comfortable saying it, when you get angry,
don't quote the ontological argument. In that moment, yell at God. Scream if you need to. God'll still be there when you're ready to come back.
2- The
Bible told you to have faith like a child. Anyone who ever told you
that meant unquestioning obedience has clearly never been around
children. Question everything. A faith that is written in stone is dead.
3- Every friendship is different. Some folks talk on the phone for
hours, others go out to events, still others work side by side in
silence for days at a time. Just because someone else's idea of praying
worked for them doesn't mean it will work for you. Keep experimenting.
4- Religion (ideally) exists to offer tools to equip the faithful, but
it is that life of faith, not the tool, that is important. If one form
of religion is only hindering your faith life, drop it like a faulty
tool and shop for a replacement.
5- Faith is meant to be a source
of joy in the good times and strength in the hard times. If it does the
opposite, then it isn't faith, but something else entirely.
If their version of God is a hateful, vindictive egomaniac and yours is a
loving, powerful confidant, then you are worshiping different beings.
You may share a religion, but you are not sharing a God. Ignore theirs,
and stick to yours.
7- The most powerful evangelical tool in the
world is the believer who is a better person because of what they
believe. If after seeing your life people still need a sales pitch, then
no sales pitch in the world will ever be sufficient. So spare them the
pitch, and instead, work on being the joy they want to see.
Learn to embrace creation through recreation. A life lived with as much
joy as possible is one of the greatest acts of gratitude we can offer to
our deity or deities of choice. And if your deity or deities reject
joy, then I recommend finding another one.
9- There will always
be doubt. It will never go away. That is why we call it faith. If you
learn to see it as a hindrance, rather than a failing, you will learn to
navigate it, like someone learning to feel their way in the dark. And
when your faith is bright and easy, remember your doubt when others
struggle with it.
10- Any God worth the paper their holy writings
are written on know you as you are. This includes all facets of you,
from your physical ability to your gender to your sexuality to your
mental capacity. So be honest in your faith in all things. It is a whole
lot easier to be truthful with God (as we understand God) when we are
equally capable of being truthful with ourselves.
And if that
truth right now is that you simply do not have faith, then don't be
afraid. Don't try to force it. Because a life of real, vibrant faith can
be a powerfully rewarding thing, worth far too much to risk sullying it
with cheap knock offs.
Be real in your faith, or lack of faith, to yourself, to others, to the world around you. Eternity isn't going anywhere.
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