Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Most Boring Cancer Story Ever

I've been a writer for most of my life. Through all of it, I have gained a sense of timing, of drama, of tension, or at least a feel for when I have achieved those things. I also have a sense of the moment. We were poised for something amazing here. The post where I shared that I had been diagnosed with cancer jumped past 2000 views... easily the single most of any individual bit of writing I have ever done. People were being great, sending their regards, following my story passing along good wishes.

The moment was ready, people were reading, and I was gonna tell the hell out of this story.

And now, it's kinda done. No swell of emotional toil, no heartbreaking second act, no last moment miracle cure. My pathology came back on the second growth and showed it was benign. There are no signs of cancer growth elsewhere in my body.

It is now very, very likely that all the cancer had been removed before I, or anyone else, knew that I had it.

Now we're not just going to leave it at that, of course. Over the next few months I will be setting up a series of tests and the like to keep an eye on things and make sure that it stays well and truly away. Maybe one day it'll all get picked up again, but then again, maybe not.

What matters is, for now, I seem to be cancer free. This little bit of Ask Pastor Dan ends up being over almost before it was begun. Most boring cancer story ever.

And you know what? I can live with that. We'll come up with something more interesting later. For right now, while I continue to heal from my surgeries, boring is JUST fine.


  1. I am so glad you have the most boring cancer story ever. My mom had a similar story with her breast cancer- and although it took years to get a clean bill of health, she did. I hope for the same thing for you.

  2. You're right, your cancer story definitely needed more excitement (laser ninjas, helicopter pterodactyls, undead starbucks baristas, etc. etc.)

  3. But wait, you still had your entire thyroid removed, yes? So that isn't so boring... or am I not keeping up with this story like I'm trying to do.

  4. Yes - you can LIVE with that!!! For that I am very thankful. so much love to you Daniel Spencer McCurdy...Wendy Olson

  5. Ara, I had one of my Adrenal glands removed. The other is still going strong, or at least so I am informed. It had gotten gigantic (the one that was removed) without even the decency to give me super powers.

  6. Boring is the most exiting word I've heard in a long time. I'm thankful. Now I'm off to celebrate the boring news. 😀
