So after a few requests I am starting a weekly podcast. Most of the time this will just be my sermons as I preach them, but I may occasionally use them for something else, as well.
Can I just say how weirdly wonderful it is that so many of you care what I have to say about stuff? Thanks for all of the support!
The Pastor Dancast!
Fantastic work, Dan. You've clearly got a great handle on how to design and deliver a sermon. I appreciate your perspective and the audio quality is very good (just a few peaks that got cut off). The only things I'd add here are "Text: Matthew 15:10-28", with a link to the full text for people who don't know what's on the PCUSA lectionary, and "Topics: prophecy, justice, activism, racism" to help people find your sermons based on their contents. (If Podbean allows you to use multiple categories or tags per episode, that would be better than a free-text 'Topics' list.)